Sunday, April 29, 2007


today is the last Sunday of April.
i have no expectations for today, i've already been to church and taken a nap.
there is a bunch of praying i'll need to do for the week and keeping friends in mind who are applying for jobs or gearing up
for the conference.
yes, GOD: for people who hate church.
i'm looking forward to volunteering and for my brother and au pair friends to come and experience a conference put on by some "brothers and sisters" i've become close to over the past 2 years. i'm greatly encouraged at the thought of my friends from Streams coming down and doing more dream and confessional stuff.
what passes through my thoughts is whether or not i'll get enough rest to blitz through the craziness and have the right servant heart through out. will i see a need and be there to fill it? will the proper amount of people be there? (cause i have a feeling this is going to be huge).
so, goals this week:1. pray and meditate on God, let him reveil himself
2. go back to work and do it well and with a joyful heart
3. communicate with family and friends
4. rest when needed( todays nap was a good start;-)
5. look forward to seeing everyone on May 4-6!


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