Monday, August 2, 2010

I like MacDo's wifi better than bar flies....

So this morning i was up again for the 5th night in a row @ 3 am.
i took a walk and used the wifi @ the Vault. then i took a drive to the ocean and enjoyed a gentle sprinkling of rain.
i remembered my GF Becky L. Matthais saying i was welcome anytime to her place in Danvers and i drove over. i txt her to let her know i was there, but Frank is in hospice state and her mom is working through her denial stage. Becky is strong, healthy, compassionate, and a loving mother of Dylan,an active elementary schooler who lives for wrestling. He is strong willed like his mother and both of them are great examples of hospitable friends.
At Becky's i took liberty of using her pool for a pre breakfast relaxing swim, and i worked on a slideshow thing with my macbook.
finally @ 630 am i drove to the Mac donalds on High Street, Danvers.

i'm serene and enjoing my bacon egg & cheese mcgriddle and an unsweetend ice tea with lemon.

it even came with a coupon for a FREE smoothie or frappe! that's worth spending my dollar on ;-)


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