Sunday, November 9, 2008

nauseum after naps

i've been getting motion sickness sitting still.

fairly unimportatnt. and yet...

i heard a sister in Christ speak once on "modern inconviences" and how to take things that irritate one and flip it out to a praise and blessing to the Abba.

funny how certain services stick in ones craw like toffee!

i don't know, but perhaps, it wasn't the point of the message that hit home, it was the receptiveness of God placing ears on softened hearts and "breathing" through the Sister Rev. to make the words politely planting seeds of "hope and a future" in ears willing to hear.

i'm befuddlingly amazed at the beauty of the earth. but sometimes i'm more in love with the creation my Daddy sprinkled amongst the foliage.

i'm going for a walk now in this gorgeous weather now, with my Lover of Life, Jesus.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ben Stien? an excellent choice for a film, movie review of Expelled

I have been enjoying in my down time a movie, most of those who know me know at this point in my cycles(hypomania) i don't have the attention span for a 2 hour movie, but Expelled has captured my attention and made me aware of the dire need to get scientist to be scientist.

this movie has pithy humour and encourages a thought provolking conversation afterwards.

forunately it give creedence and sheds light upon a hidden debate.

ID(intelligent design) VS Darwinism

even in the opening credits one views Ben Stien as the key rable rouser and by him asking questions and putting out the valid question of "why?"

the film evolves from "subscribing to a concensus view" to exploring world history based on the same theories.

this film is moving as well, be aware those of you that pray that continuing a vigil in such for the nation and one another.

Freedom is Freedom, this movie will resignate with americans and the world community.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

livin up to blog titles...

i think some how i wanted my blog to be less about me and more about beliefs i find true and intellectually stimulating for the purpose of conversation and almost a desire to figure out the emerging "emergent" blogosphere. yet increasingly I've discovered that i'm not into everything emergent, or even intellectual stimulation. What i've discovered is this blog is my own and whatever passes through brain synapses winds up spewed through the fingers like a rough draft.


i truly admire the people who blog surf, find this blog, and wonder what are Izenbet's Interests?

i think i'll make a brief list:(top)

1. God(spirituality)

2.working on accepting myself for who i am

3. working (even be it part time)

4. music and jamming with musicians(be it on viola or drums or singing)
5. dancing

6.socializing with friends

7. making new friends

8. racial reconciliation

9. sleeping

10. cooking

things i struggle with will be ranted out on the more dysphoric(?) blogs